Meet Johnny Bailey…

Johnny’s Challenge: To produce an ambassador film on behalf of Beats By Dre that highlights the impact and implementation of their product in his lifestyle as a Washington D.C. entrepreneur.

Johnny’s Outcome: Johnny increased the average engagement amongst video posts by 108%, the video produced ranks in Johnny’s top three highest liked films on his Instagram account and Johnny secured a slot on Beats By Dre’s content calendar.


Take A Look At Our Strategy

  • Phase 1: Discovery

    With over 1.4 billion users on Instagram…we had to ensure that Johnny’s brand was able to stand out! Our brand discovery framework revealed to us that Johnny’s “x-factor” is the clarity that he provides to those he serves. In order to provide clarity Johnny must first have clarity of mind himself which he receives through music!

  • Phase 2: Strategy

    Gap analysis was an incomparable exercise during our strategy sessions. We identified a connection between the desire for peak performance amongst Johnny’s audience and the catalyst that music provides to high level performers using Beats! We anchored on this connection as the vehicle for providing clarity in the film.

  • Phase 3: Execution

    They day of production began on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where we documented the b roll required for Johnny’s voice over that would be filmed later on that afternoon. Each scene was captured with the film in mind and the intent of having content to repurpose for additional awareness forms of content. As a result of our preparation for this shoot, our shot list operated as the foundation of the shots gathered but also opened up many opportunities for even greater organic moments. Operating around the sun, it was imperative that we stuck to the schedule to keep the warm backlit timbre of the film that complimented Johnny’s personality and presence.

  • Phase 4: Maintenance

    One video or campaign alone will not sustain your brand. We strongly believe in execution and extraction. After you complete Phase 3, it is most advantageous of your organization to extract as many pieces of information (insights) from that content. We call this the “invisible data”, where you look beyond the likes and comments and seek a greater level of understanding by finding the connections between your creative campaign and the impacts that it has had on the trends in your organizations bottom line (i.e. conversions, lead generation, watch time, networking opportunities, etc). Leveraging this data to build your next campaign is what keeps you a step ahead!

Do You Need A Brand Film?